Monday 23 March 2015




♥第一款是 Petitfee 黄金EGF凝胶果冻全效眼贴眼膜 -
(1盒里头有 30对果冻眼膜30片小圆圈冻膜


Petitfee 黄金EGF凝胶果冻全效眼贴眼膜 -










这一款Petitfee黑珍珠黄金眼膜是采用高分子新技术开发的 黑珍珠+金 水凝胶精华眼贴。它含有紧密效果的高浓缩精华成份,可以使皮肤自身凝结从而给角质细胞丰富的水分,即刻赋予皮肤紧密感和弹力效果,也加强了祛纹抗皱、美白、提高皮肤弹力。通过黑珍珠胶原和黄金成分和Q10的结合深度赋予皮肤水分和弹力,缓解由压力或环境造成的伤害,使皮肤有舒服柔和的感觉,可以更让皮肤变的紧密亮泽。

♦美白 提高皮肤弹力



想要购买Petitfee凝胶果冻全效眼贴眼膜的宝贝们,可以向 iBeauty Cottage (FB链接:购买噢!!

Email : /
LINE : coey_kexin
WeChat : CoeyKX

Tuesday 13 January 2015

[Review] Snail White Mask Shot

Here you go with the review for Snail White Mask Shot - the 'Super Great' product in the SnailWhite skincare range!

I did a Chinese version review few months before and now, I am writing a English version review for you guys who can't read Chinese as same as Snail White Mask Shot that I posted previously.

Snail White Mask Shot is a 'Super Great' skincare product item under SnailWhite skincare range from Namulife Thailand. It is a most expensive product in the Snail White products range but it is a most effective product in that range.

Snail White Mask Shot (5 pcs/pack)

Snail White Mask Shot

♥ Smoother our skin
♥ Reduced / lesser our skin irritation
♥ Reduced our fine lines and wrinkles
♥ Reduced burns from the sun damage and other environmental pollutants
♥ Firmer skin elasticity
♥ Minimize pores
♥ Brighter and fresher our skin
♥ Correct uneven skin tone

SNAIL WHITE MASK SHOT is good for those who:-

♥ wants to have faster regenerated skin.
♥ have sensitive and / or damaged skin caused by environmental pullutants.
♥ have unhealthy skin; acne occurances.
♥ have enlarged pores and loss of skin elasticity.

What does SNAIL WHITE MASK SHOT helps?

1. Refresh the skind from pollution around the lack of skin rejuvenation care.
2. Facial to clear smooth skin
3. Dull skin rejuvenation skin regeneration from pollution during the day.
4. Lets face skin pores tightening tension.
5. Acne reduction - Reduce the inflammation of acne.
6. Fade wrinkles.
7. Fix the rough surface. Prevent blackheads Acne.

3 main ingredients can be found in Snail White Mask Shot:-

♥ It contains Snail Secretion Filtrate! It helps to regenerate your skin cells and restore your skin to tip-top condition! Old cells are exfoliated and treated with this natural ingredient and in return, you achieve a brighter, smoother and supple skin! It also reduces fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, redness in the complexion as well as controls oil on the skin surface layer. (You can google this amazing ingredient and you will be surprised to see how many benefits it has!)

♥ Next up, Alpha-Arbutin! What does it do? It is a key ingredient for a brighter and radiant looking complexion. It eliminates age spots and other types of hyper-pigmentation. No more dull looking skin!

♥ The third main ingredient, Ceramide! Ceramide is one of the natural substance which is a component of Keratin; the main component of the epidermis layer of the human skin. It can create a water-impermeable, protective layer, to prevent excessive loss of water due to evaporation. Thus, it helps the skin to regenerate, achieving a smoother and softer skin and adding on that fine lines and wrinkles will also be reduced gradually. It also prevents bacteria and other harmful chemicals that might cause allergy to get into the blood.

The are 4 signs of damaged skin can be prevented by "Ceramide":-

1. Dehydrated skin after cleanser wash.
2. Dry and tight feeling skin.
3. Wrinkles and rough skin due to loss of moisture.
4. Allergic skin.

 Allergic, redness and acne inflammation skin.

 All of the skin problems are reduced immediately.


I have tried the product in few times when my skin was dehydrated or  allergic.

It is easy to use/apply after facial cleanser and Snail White Syn-Ake Mist.

After remove the mask, you can do a simple massage until the serum is fully absorb into your skin. It is really fresh and absorbed very fast into your skin.

The final step will be Snail White Cream.

It really helps on firming and lifting. Not only that, its helps to minimize/tighten my pores, reduce my fine lines, moisture and hydrated my skin. You even can feel your skin become more brighter compared to before. The acne inflammation and allergic will be immediately reduced after using Snail White Mask Shot.

 It is a super 'best' product if you are looking for firming, lifting, pores minimizing, controlling the acne inflammation, fine lines reducing, moisturizing, hydrating and even whitening effect.

The only bad thing for the Snail White Mask Shot is it quite costly. But the result is definitely 'GREAT' after applied it.

There are lot of bloggers and Thai artists are support on the Snail White Mask Shot now!!!

You may click on the link to watch the Commercial Advertisements for Snail White Mask Shot as per link below:

 Due to the SnailWhite skincare ranges are super famous now, therefore there are lot of fake Snail White skincare products sell in the market. Please be careful when you purchase it.

If you are interested to purchase, you may contact / pm 
iBeauty Cottage (FB Link: further details ya.

We are selling 100% Authentic Snail White Skincare Products.

Other than 
Snail White Mask Shot,the Snail White have 2 more products, they are Snail White Cream and Snail White Syn-Ake Mist.

If you are interest to know more on the 2 products, you may click on the below links for more details:

Snail White Syn-Ake Mist(FB Link:

You may also contact us at:-

Email : /

LINE : coey_kexin

WeChat : CoeyKX

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Snail White蜗牛原液面膜 - 试用心得!!!

宝贝们,今天我要为你们介绍 Snail White 蜗牛原液面膜 噢~~

它是我之前有跟大家隆重介绍过的来自泰国最夯的 美白蜗牛脸霜-Snail White Facial Cream 和 蜗牛蛇毒保湿喷雾-Snail White Syn-Ake Mist 的另一个保养产品!!!这款泰国的 Snail White 蜗牛原液面膜 现在也跟着 Snail White 美白蜗牛脸霜 和 Snail White 蜗牛蛇毒保湿喷雾 一样畅销于韩国、泰国、中国、香港、澳州、印尼、新加坡、美国等国家和地区噢!!

Snail White 蜗牛原液面膜

Snail White 蜗牛原液面膜

泰国 Namulife 2014年4月在泰国全新上市的 Snail White 蜗牛原液面膜~~
SNAIL WHITE 最新研发又一力作:
SNAIL WHITE MASK SHOT 蜗牛原液面膜 - 全效的急救面膜!!!

Snail White 蜗牛原液面膜,它高效滋润,而且它的精华液也很容易就被皮肤吸收噢!!!
Snail White 蜗牛原液面膜 的火热程度一点也不会输给 Snail White 美白蜗牛霜 噢~~

Snail White 蜗牛原液面膜,一包5片就能解决肌肤的五大问题:






Snail White 蜗牛原液面膜的外包装为粉红白色塑料包装,内含5片面膜。

内含3片 NAMULIFE 产品宣传卡片。

温馨提示:使用前给脸上喷少许 Snail White 蜗牛蛇毒保湿喷雾
使用后,记得涂抹薄薄一层 Snail White 美白蜗牛霜,搭配使用效果更佳。


Snail White 蜗牛原液面膜 - 本身试用心得:

Snail White 蜗牛原液面膜 真的比市面上的开架上的面膜来的贵很多!!但它的效果真的真的跟专柜有的比噢!!还记得当时试用它的时候,自己的脸部还在敏感呢。可是用了它大概20-30分钟,脸部的红肿有淡化和毛孔也有消失。脸部也很明显的变得亮白湿润很多。细纹和色斑有淡化噢~~用完后撕下面膜纸,然后拍打至精华液都完全吸收至皮肤里噢。真的一点黏腻感都没有咧!!!也太神奇了吧!!真的超级喜欢它的全效效果!!!

(记得在敷上 Snail White Mask Shot 蜗牛原液面膜之前,先喷些 Snail White 蜗牛蛇毒保湿喷雾。敷完 Snail White Mask Shot 蜗牛原液面膜 后,再擦上一层 Snail White 美白蜗牛霜 就完成了噢!!!)



这款 Snail White 蜗牛原液面膜也有很多部落客和泰国明星都为它背书的哦~~

还有噢,因为 Snail White 实在是太红了。所以市面上有很多很多“假货”噢!!宝贝们要小心以免购入假货噢!!

所以想要购买 Snail White 的宝贝们,可以向 iBeauty Cottage (FB链接: 购买噢!!

我们只进100%正货的 Snail White 产品噢。Snail White 除了有 Snail White 蜗牛原液面膜 之外,它还有 Snail White 美白蜗牛霜 和 Snail White 蜗牛蛇毒保湿喷雾噢!!



Email : /

LINE : coey_kexin

WeChat : CoeyKX